Welcome to the wonderfully weird and wild world of the Nonesuches. These little creatures come from my head, hands, and heart. All my funny fae friends are handmade, with an intent to bring some more magic into the world
-Tristan Risk
What is a Nonesuch?
Are they a monster, a critter, a frisky fae or a pesky pooka?
The answer... All of these things, and also none of them.
The Nonesuches are a curious group of creatures which can be found in both town and country, domicile
and wilderness alike. Here, you may better acquaint yourself with these whimsical little corner-crawlers
and garden bogarts and see the world through their lens.
The Nonesuches are the brainchild of Tristan Risk, born in the throes of Spring 2020 during the global pandemic.
Unable to perform and too lazy to start an OnlyFans account, Tristan picked up some leftover polymer clay and started
going back to her art school roots. The genie in the craft box that day sparked the drive to start creating to alleviate the
stress and boredom of quarantine. With heavy influences from Toby and Wendy Froud, as well as Arthur Rackham,
and Ralph Bakshi (though you would probably not know it to look at them), these little weirdos have kept the Mother of Nonesuches "sane". It was at the suggestion of photographer and collaborator Scott Alexander and Tristan's partner, Burns The Dragon, that a book about the Nonesuches be put together. This led to the creation of "In The Nonesuch Garden".
Into what Tristan has dubbed the "Hot Nonesuch Summer of '20", The second book began production,
and was available by the xmas holiday season of 2020. "On the Town with The Urban Nonesuch"
documented the urban sophisticate Nonesuch, and their adaptation to human habitation. This book also featured the Songstress Crystal Precious, showcasing her skill with a quill, turning Tristan's poems into visual works of art as
she lovingly crafted the calligraphy for the text.
Where will the Nonesuches wind up next? In space? In the deep blue sea?
Follow NonesuchesbyRisk on social media, and you will soon know...
Interested in Adoption?
Nonesuches are wanderers, and shortly after birth set off on their own to explore the wide wide world. If you are
interested in adopting one, we will make that happen!
A lot of our lovely Nonesuch friends were born in Canada, and can be sent anywhere in North America with relative ease,
however, some Nonsuches were born in New Zealand, and require both a passport and plane ticket on AirNZ.
Nonesuches marked as 'Born in New Zealand' being sent to North America (and vice versa) will incur additional fees as noted above depending on the speed at which you wish to see them (in Canadian Dollars)
-Economy Airfare: $35 - Business Class: $90 - First Class: $130 -
The Evil Eyes
The Evil eyes are... Too.. Evil... must sell to lift.. curse... The white ones... They glow!! $20 each
The Nonesuch group known as "Peeves" took to being human companions remarkably quick, coining the name "Pet Peeve". These smaller Nonesuches enjoy cuddling with humans, listening to stories (especially when they're about other Nonesuches) and eating leftover breakfast scraps
The Nonesuch clowns take much delight in the skill of circus arts. Each is a patron of their own particular arena of interest. They love to encourage humans to hone their skills and test their abilities with an assortment of interesting human tricks.
The Rose-Gold Nonesuches were discovered in March of 2021, going on to willingly display their gilded glory at the Art Church 604 Show, which to them might as well have been Nonesuch Fashion Week. These super glitzy Nonesuches enjoy the more refined things human have to offer.
The first group of Nonesuches we discovered entirely by accident while camping in the mountains of British Columbia. While initially frightened, these curious little creatures didn't take long to warm up to their new neighbours, and within a day they were picking and pawing through our packs while we watched them with as much curiosity as they showed us.
After spending a year in the woods studying Nonesuches, we were surprised that when we returned to the city, we started to notice a vibrant Nonesuch society living in the nooks and crannies between buildings, making their nests out of discared knick-knacks, bottles, cans, and anything they could get their stubby little digits on!
Nonesuches are such wonderful designers, spending days on getting their nest just right. These lovely little accessories are the talk of the Nonesuch design world!
Special Note: If you're interested in purchasing two more staffs, enjoy $15 off ($225 for two)
Our Nonesuch research team, led by Captain Mermaid Tristan and first mate Scott T Photographer are currently out at sea to see what they can learn about this mysterious aquatic genus of Nonesuch. If we can make some new friends, we will certainly post their smoodgy little portraits here and interview them for our next book! Keep an eye on the horizon for these nonesuches in 2021!
Griffin Pride
Even inside their taxonomic groups, Nonesuches are often unique in shape, size, colour, sneakiness - you name it. To this effect, there exists a Nonesuch in every conceivable design. One of the most popular custom requests are the fluffiest of them all, the Nonesuch Griffin These light and airy friends are often times two to three times bigger than their little siblings.